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The empress facelift

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January 2023 - June 2024


This is your CV description. Concisely describe your specific position, degree, certification or personal experience. Make sure to include relevant skills, accomplishments and milestones gained. Don’t forget to adjust the timeframe in the subtitle.

July 2024 - May 2025


This is your CV description. Concisely describe your specific position, degree, certification or personal experience. Make sure to include relevant skills, accomplishments and milestones gained. Don’t forget to adjust the timeframe in the subtitle.

June 2025 - April 2026


This is your CV description. Concisely describe your specific position, degree, certification or personal experience. Make sure to include relevant skills, accomplishments and milestones gained. Don’t forget to adjust the timeframe in the subtitle.

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Aku Spa

Akupunktur & Massage 

København - Østerbro

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+ 45 26 17 46 17

Holsteinsgade 27, kld.TH,

2100 københavn ø

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Mandag - Torsdag - fredag

fra kl. 11.00 - 20.00


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fra kl. 14.00 - 20.00


Lørdag - kl. 10.00 - kl.16.00


Søndag - kl. 10.00 -19.00




CVR: 42320005
Copyright by: Dannerio 

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